Emergency Withdraw

If for some reason the website is down, do not worry, your staked tokens are safe. Here is an instruction on how to proceed with an emergency withdrawal.

Step 1: Go to the MasterBreeder on the blockchain.

Navigate to the following page and click Contract in the top bar: https://bscscan.com/address/0x03245d87295cd0783e1f10a2ea54f9e80b726af8#code

Step 2: Connect MetaMask.

Click Write Contract and connect to MetaMask by clicking Connect to Web3.

Step 3: Go to section 4.

Scroll down to section 4, where you will be able to see the emergencyWithdraw function. In the box there, you will need to specify the pool, from which you want to withdraw your tokens. Here is the list of the farms and pools on the main MasterBreeder.

Farms: 0: GBEN-BNB LP (Cake v2 LPs) 1: GBEN-BUSD LP (Cake v2 LPs) 2: BEN-BNB LP (Cake v2 LPs) 3: BEN-BUSD LP (Cake v2 LPs) 4: DOGE-BNB LP (Cake v2 LPs) 5: DOGE-BUSD LP (Cake v2 LPs) 6: BNB-BUSD LP (Cake v2 LPs) 12: BNB-BUSD LP (BenSwap LPs) 13: BNB-USDT LP (BenSwap LPs) 14: BCH-BUSD LP (BenSwap LPs) 15: WISB-BNB LP (BenSwap LPs) 16: BTCB-BUSD LP (BenSwap LPs) 17: GBEN-BNB LP (BenSwap LPs) 18: GBEN-BUSD LP (BenSwap LPs) 19: WISB-GBEN LP (BenSwap LPs) 20: BCH-BTCB LP (BenSwap LPs) 21: DOGE-BTCB LP (BenSwap LPs) 22: DOGE-GBEN LP (BenSwap LPs) 23: SHIB-GBEN LP (BenSwap LPs) 24: SHIB-BUSD LP (BenSwap LPs) 25: SHIB-ETH LP (BenSwap LPs) 26: ETH-BUSD LP (BenSwap LPs) 27: ETH-BTCB LP (BenSwap LPs) 28: DOGE-BUSD LP (BenSwap LPs) 29: TWT-BNB LP (BenSwap LPs) 30: TWT-BUSD LP (BenSwap LPs) 31: BEN-GBEN LP (BenSwap LPs) 33: BEN-BNB LP (BenSwap LPs) 34: BEN-BUSD LP (BenSwap LPs) 35: EBEN-GBEN LP (BenSwap LPs) 36: GBEN-USDT LP (Cake v2 LPs) 37: GBEN-USDT LP (BenSwap LPs) 38: BEN-USDT LP (BenSwap LPs)

Pools: 7: GBEN 8: BEN 9: DOGE 10: WBNB 11: BUSD 32: SHIB

Step 4: Withdraw your tokens.

Depending on which token you have staked, type in the pool number and click Write. Confirm with MetaMask. Your tokens should be now successfully withdrawn.

Last updated